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Bánh Hỏi Thịt Bò Xào – January 21


Delicate lacy rice noodles and stir-fried beef wrapped in herbs & greens

TUESDAY – January 21


4:00 – 7:00 pm pick-up

EMERYVILLE (near Stanford & San Pablo Ave) – Pick-up address provided upon Order.

Same-day items shown in Check-out Cart.

In stock

Based on continued “thumbs up” from our neighbors,  I’m again preparing this very special meal – Bánh Hỏi Thịt Bò Xào.

What makes this dish so very unique is my use of bánh hỏi, special “lacy” sheets of rice noodles. These delicate noodles are served with tender slices of beef, stir-fried in a rich and flavorful blend of fish- and soy sauces.

You’ll bundle your bánh hỏi and beef, along with and various Viet herbs, in a lettuce wrap and dip them into delicate dipping sauce. MAJOR YUM!

ALLERGENS: Ingredients in this meal that might concern some are: Fish sauce, soy sauce, peanuts (optional). If you have any allergy concerns or questions, please let us know in the comment section of your order (or by email).



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