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Cơm Gà – September 8


Pulled moist & tender slow-cooked chicken thighs placed  atop a generous serving of turmeric rice … along with slices of sweet onion, pickled green papaya, ginger, just a dash of chili, and rau ram.

TUESDAY – September 8

4:00 – 7:00 pm pick-up

EMERYVILLE (near Stanford & San Pablo Ave) – Pick-up address provided upon Order.

Same-day items shown in Check-out Cart.

Out of stock


I’ll be slow cooking free-range chicken thighs.   I’ll pull the moist & tender meat off the bone and place it atop a generous serving of turmeric rice. I’ll be adding slices of sweet onion, pickled green papaya, ginger, just a dash of chili, and rau ram (a unique-flavored Vietnamese herb).

You’ll have a sweet & tangy dipping sauce for the chicken meat, including lime, fish-sauce & ginger. And, of course, you can “spice it all up” with chili, as desired.

A small bowl of chicken broth will accompany the chicken and rice dish. It’s customary in Vietnam to use the broth to moisten the rice, or simply to sip it and enjoy its rich & soothing flavor.

ALLERGENS: Ingredients in this meal that might concern some are: Fish sauce. If you have any allegy concerns or questions, please let us know in the comment section of your order (or by email).  


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