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Hai’s Ớt Sa Te (Chili Sauce) – April 8


Hai - 400 x 468A heavenly dipping sauce, Ớt Sa Te … Rich & Spicy

TUESDAY – April 8

EMERYVILLE (near Stanford & San Pablo Ave) – Pick-up address provided upon Order.

6 oz.

In stock

Hai is offering his heavenly Ớt Sa Te dipping sauce for you to take home and “spice-up” your own culinary creations!

A strong unique “flavor -bomb”, it’s rich, spicy and absolutely delicious. Add a spoonful to your soup to awaken its soul! Dip the protein of your choice into this amazing sauce and enjoy a major taste treat. (or any other tasty applications as you see fit)


6 oz. Jar




INGREDIENTS: Lemongrass, garlic, shallots, chili, vegetable oil, crab, salt, herbs

ALLERGENS: Ingredients in this meal that might concern some are: Crab. If you have any allegy concerns or questions, please let us know in the comment section of your order (or by email).  


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